Visual artist Safaa Erruas exhibits her recent works, at L'Atelier 21, from April 28 to May 29, 2015.
Safaa Erruas' works are marked by white, which she believes symbolizes absence, immateriality, transparency, fragility, even a place of possibility. Her work, at once delicate and powerful, is characterized by the conjunction of fine, sharp materials: cotton, gauze, pearls, porcelain, but also needles, razor blades, pins, thorns, glass...
In this exhibition, entitled Choses apparentes, the artist has introduced a new element: glass. Writer Bouthaina Azami has this to say about Safaa Erruas's work: “Using this material [glass], which evokes ‘the broken, the destroyed’, the artist depicts a space of fragmentation, where life vies with death. And from this fragmented, ruined space, “new life springs forth”, taking shape among the shreds of paper and broken glass skilfully amalgamated. Taking life and form in absence. For we must read in the blanks and voids, the holes made in the “Restos” of a dilapidated architecture”.