The exhibition Built from Dust Earth, Soil and Modern Acropoles will be held at ETH Zurich from February 26 to May 9, 2025. Featuring works by M'barek Bouhchichi, Younes Ben Slimane, and Lungiswa Gqunta, among others, the exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Chair of History and Theory of Urban Design, Institute of Urban Landscape, ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Memory of Modern Moroccan Architects, and Zamân Books & Curating. It will serve as a platform to discuss the capacities and challenges of the Afropolis, exploring not only the often overlooked history of these modern African cities but also shedding light on the complex and frequently contested urban realities they have created.
M'barek Bouhchichi x ETH Zurich
February 27, 2025